Sunday, September 04, 2005

Vacation and Sleep

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I've officially had two days of vacation and I have two days left. Smack in the middle right now. Let's reflect, shall we?

Day one... hmm... let me think... well, I guess Thursday night was officially day one, since Leen and I went out pretty early after we were done at school. We hung out on the patio at Chucks and then went over to the Alley Bar. I was kinda tired, left early (so 1 am is early to me, so what? Pre- last call is early) and went to bed. Friday night was chill, my roommie Danjo finally moved back into town so we hung out here. Last night... last night was too much. Party in Ypsi* at Weber's new place (I haven't partied in Ypsi in years so it was some unusual fun) and then I got back here around, I dunno... four in the morning. Fun!

This vacation so far has also been about sleep! I got myself used to getting up early for orientation, so I've generally been waking up between 8 and 9 and then fighting with myself to sleep for a few more hours. Some days it works, and some days it doesn't. Today: 11:00! Fabulous sleep in time!

What am I going to do with my two remaining days of freedom, you ask? Well, it is Sunday night so I would be willing to bet you could find me at the Heidelburg this evening (although today should be about running errands, come on, you can do it, KTC!). Tomorrow is Labor Day, and I will be at the lake. Yay!

*I do need to give a little shout out here, to my friend Nick Oas from high school. He had a birthday bash in Ypsi yesterday that I definately should have gone to, but I have social phobias around people I don't know, and especially around people I do know from my hometown. Not Nick. But other people. Well, that is that. Happy birthday, dude.

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