Saturday, August 27, 2005

Last Night at the Peak!

Grizzly Bear
Originally uploaded by Lance McCord.
Aaaaahhhh, a sigh of relief. Last night was my "last night" at Grizzly Peak. This is not the first time that this has happened, and it may happen again considering that my employment is still not really terminated but I'm not going to pick up any shifts for awhile. A long while, if I have my way.

The one thing that I will always treasure about my time spent at the Peak is the esteemed friends that I have made in the last three years while working there. They were splendid last night, all out in full effect to celebrate my moving outward and upward. We went to Old Town after work and then a few dear, sweet comrades came back to my place where we reminisced over old photos and funny stories until all hours of the morning.

I woke up this afternoon (actually Jacob woke me up at 10:30, the bastard, then I went back to sleep) with the warm fuzzy feeling of being truly loved. My friends have a way of doing that to me. Now I've got to go dye my hair before I get all gushy.

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