Monday, August 01, 2005

Too Much Fun

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Wow... I love the Heidelberg on Sunday nights! I don't understand why sometimes I don't go, or I wrestle with myself, "Should I go or just stay in tonight?" Even though I have Mondays off. BUT, I made it last night, and it was awesome! The combination of Billy behind the bar (really excellent drinks and no REAL last call), some sweet people, and oh yeah, service appreciation night so it's cheap! Highlights of last night: Gabe and his new live in girlfriend Jess pulling pranks on Ian and pissing off some hostess's boyfriend by trying to take her home for a threesome. And also, I stole my new bestest friend, David, away from all the freaking stupid little girls that host at the GP and we talked for, oh, I don't know, TWO HOURS! I woke up this morning, all, "I love David!" Alas, he plays for the other team. A girl can dream though!

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