Friday, August 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Keri!!

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Ah, one of my favorite days of the year, my beloved girlfriend Keri's birthday. In case anyone is not aware, it is mandatory to wear green on this day (and you get bonus points for accessorizing with pink), oh and of course you must also get drunk. Unfortunately, Keri has to work this evening so unless a miracle happens (which I certainly am holding out for) our annual fancy dinner will be missed. However, Leopold's is open until 2 and that is where we will be after the dreadful daily grind is over. For sure.

Let me just say a few words about why I love Keri: She has a love and tolerance for the human race that I can never quite manage; she is an amazing, truly talented artist that is never compromised and always creative to the max; and she comes over to my house to play board games with me when I am world-weary.

Besides all that sappiness, Keri's really really fun to get drunk with. Bring it on.

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