Saturday, August 27, 2005

Last Night at the Peak!

Grizzly Bear
Originally uploaded by Lance McCord.
Aaaaahhhh, a sigh of relief. Last night was my "last night" at Grizzly Peak. This is not the first time that this has happened, and it may happen again considering that my employment is still not really terminated but I'm not going to pick up any shifts for awhile. A long while, if I have my way.

The one thing that I will always treasure about my time spent at the Peak is the esteemed friends that I have made in the last three years while working there. They were splendid last night, all out in full effect to celebrate my moving outward and upward. We went to Old Town after work and then a few dear, sweet comrades came back to my place where we reminisced over old photos and funny stories until all hours of the morning.

I woke up this afternoon (actually Jacob woke me up at 10:30, the bastard, then I went back to sleep) with the warm fuzzy feeling of being truly loved. My friends have a way of doing that to me. Now I've got to go dye my hair before I get all gushy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Bouncy Ball Heaven

more bouncy balls
Originally uploaded by sem.
I can not even imagine the utter delight that would come from watching 100,000 bouncy balls get dumped onto the hilly streets of San Fransico. Pure joy, I'm sure.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Major Deja Vu

KT Colleen
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I'm not going to go off on some sappy tirade right now, I just want to say that it's great to have Leen back in town, it's like she never even left! I have to say, however, that I am a little nervous to see what happens in the two weeks before we actually have to start school and be responsible (or pretend at least, who am I kidding). We have the tendancy to cause trouble and I can already see it happening.
I think I'm ready.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Happy Birthday, Keri!!

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Ah, one of my favorite days of the year, my beloved girlfriend Keri's birthday. In case anyone is not aware, it is mandatory to wear green on this day (and you get bonus points for accessorizing with pink), oh and of course you must also get drunk. Unfortunately, Keri has to work this evening so unless a miracle happens (which I certainly am holding out for) our annual fancy dinner will be missed. However, Leopold's is open until 2 and that is where we will be after the dreadful daily grind is over. For sure.

Let me just say a few words about why I love Keri: She has a love and tolerance for the human race that I can never quite manage; she is an amazing, truly talented artist that is never compromised and always creative to the max; and she comes over to my house to play board games with me when I am world-weary.

Besides all that sappiness, Keri's really really fun to get drunk with. Bring it on.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Shopping Cart Races

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I randomly ended up going to the shopping cart races downtown last night, and it was super crazy. There were considerably more spectators than racing carts this year, but it felt rather powerful to walk down the middle of Main Street with thousands of punks, hippies, and townies; causing all traffic to cease and mostly pissing off everyone not participating.

We walked a mile or two to the finish line, where they were shooting off fireworks and generally having a great time, so of course the cops came. Did I say cops? I meant to say every single police officer in the Ann Arbor area. I do love standing around knowing that there isn't jack they can do to me, so we did that for awhile, then headed back.

All in all a pretty surreal experience. I couldn't help thinking a few times though, "if all of the cops are here, you could get away with anything on the other side of town." I will certainly have to keep that in mind for next year.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Girlfriends Tribute

Becky Keri Anna
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
A friend from years back mentioned something to me the other day that alluded to an untruth: that I rarely get along with women. I thought about it and realized that while this had been true in high school and a few years following, it couldn't be farther from the truth at this point in my life. After I uploaded a bunch of pictures to a "Girlfriends" set on flickr to prove to my friend that he was wrong (he is currently in Arizona and not around to view my social circle), I spent a few days thinking about what allowed this change to come about in my friendship patterns.

I think that the answer is obvious. I hated most everyone I went to high school with (and, frankly, most people in my home town and surrounding areas), and now I live in an environment where I pick and choose who I hang out with. This arrangement works much better for me, as I can be rather strict in regards to who I am friends with. And once someone is my friend (especially a girlfriend), I tend to have an almost undying loyalty to them and theirs.

These are a few of my truly adored girlfriends at Halloween. See, Mike? Girlfriends!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Happy Birthday, Reda!

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
As has become tradition on Things Loved, I must send all of my dear friends much love and happiness on their birthdays, and because I rarely get to see this esteemed amigo, this birthday wish is especially important.

After living with Reda for a year, I discovered a friend who could party far harder than me and wake up in the kind of cheery nonchalant mood that I could never truly master. I've learned a lot from him, which you can surely tell by his impish grin. So, Happy Birthday Reda, and you can expect me on your couch the next time I visit NYC.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I love Detroit!

The other day, I stumbled upon a great website called dETROITfUNK, which features some amazing pictures of the city. Some of the pictures are so beautiful, showing the intricate details that are so often missed, while others sadly show the unfortunate deterioration of the once handsome metropolis. Other pictures are just straight hilarious, I think I laughed for a good five minutes while reading today's post.

You just must check it out, there is a link to your right under Links (duh). I've added a few more sweet sites as well.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Brad!!

Piggy Ride
Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Oh, it's the roommies birthday! We actually celebrated last night with a Mexican feast at The Prickly Pear and then free beers at the UA pipefitters festival downtown. What fun!

This is an awesome picture of Brad and Smita, is it not? There's an equally funny one on Things Hated, just for fun.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Bed

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
My bed is TOO cozy. Even in the summer I've got sheets, three comforters, a blanket, two large and two small pillows all creating total comfort on a massive (biggest I've ever had, so be quiet) queen sized.
It is so comfortable, in fact, that I am going to procrastinate on all of the things I must do today, and get back in there.

Bear Vs. Shark

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
The link to this band's website has been under links on this page for awhile, I don't know if anyone has checked it out, but you should! I went to high school with a few of these boys (although we didn't meet until a few years later) and they are all great guys, plus talented to the max! Anyway, they have been touring a lot recently (my best friend in Kentucky saw them the other day) and right now they are featured on PETA's website!

Holy cow, imagine my surprise when I am reading my weekly PETA newsletter (insert tree hugging hippie joke here) and I see the article Guess Which Band Wouldn't Eat a Bear or a Shark? Bear Vs. Shark up in my email inbox! That's hot!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Best Dinner Ever

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
I have been craving shellfish, mainly crabs legs, for oh, about a year now. I FINALLY got out to Red Lobster last night and ate a pound of them! I was so full, I came home and pretty much fell right asleep. It was an incredible food coma, and I'm glad I was a part of it. But now, I must go for a bike ride.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Too Much Fun

Originally uploaded by primalktc.
Wow... I love the Heidelberg on Sunday nights! I don't understand why sometimes I don't go, or I wrestle with myself, "Should I go or just stay in tonight?" Even though I have Mondays off. BUT, I made it last night, and it was awesome! The combination of Billy behind the bar (really excellent drinks and no REAL last call), some sweet people, and oh yeah, service appreciation night so it's cheap! Highlights of last night: Gabe and his new live in girlfriend Jess pulling pranks on Ian and pissing off some hostess's boyfriend by trying to take her home for a threesome. And also, I stole my new bestest friend, David, away from all the freaking stupid little girls that host at the GP and we talked for, oh, I don't know, TWO HOURS! I woke up this morning, all, "I love David!" Alas, he plays for the other team. A girl can dream though!